Saturday, January 18, 2025
(Veganuary Month,1/5 National Bird Day,1/20 Martin Luther King Awareness, 1/21 Squirrel Appreciation Day,
1/25 National Moose Day)
*January 15, 2025 @ 7:00-8:00 PM, Cornell Lab webinar for the Great Backyard Bird Count.
Our Listening Calendar variety: Nature themed solos (Birds,Squirrels, Moose), MLK inspired music. Website | PDF
Piano Assignment Worksheet: JANUARY
Veganary Awareness Month
Piano Solos, Listening & Music Theory Activities:
-Vegetable Suite by Graham Prowning (For flute and piano), sheet music | video
-Eat My Vegetables by Wynn-Anne Rossi
-Jazz Salad by Ron Levy
-Vegetable Valley (Kirby's Adventure)
-The Rainbow Salad Songbook by Andrea and Trevor Dow
-Hot Potatoe by Jennifer Eklund
-Mixed Vegetables by Tobias Lindh
-Yum, Yum, Yum (The Vegetable Song) by Carol Wiggins
-The Vegetable Orchestra
-Fruit & Veggie Piano
-Music Theory Games: Veg Race | Mushrace | Rhythm Soup | Captain Veg. Tubble | Lettuce Make A Salad
-Rhythm: Funky Veggies Percussion |Musical Fruits - Rhythm Syllables Clap Along 1, 2
Week 1 - (1/1-6) Begin Listening Calendar.
Week 2 - (1/7-13) Practice Bird Awareness solos that you have composed. Are there any changes that you could make to previous compositions based
upon your present level? Are there others birds that you have observed that would inspire you to write another composition?
Interesting videos about Birds
-Why Do Birds Sing?
-How Birds Fly
-Migratory Birds
Week 3 (1/14-20) - Martin Luther King Awareness. Students will be given MLK themed Music Theory Worksheets and sight reading.
More Interesting Info:
-The Extraordinary Musical Influences of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
-Story time: I Am Martin Luther King Jr. - Video: Martin Luther King Jr. for kids
-Martin Luther King, Jr. for Kids ~ Song and Rap
MLK Music Theory Games:
-MLK Rhythm Practice Assignment. Students my clap the rhythms, use sticks, a box, or other creative items that they can use to play along!
-Rhythm Matching Game. Pick the rhythm that matches the words or phrases given. Activity: 1 | 2
*MLK music theory worksheets will be emailed to each student.
-MLK drawing and coloring page
1/25 National Moose Day)
*January 15, 2025 @ 7:00-8:00 PM, Cornell Lab webinar for the Great Backyard Bird Count.
Our Listening Calendar variety: Nature themed solos (Birds,Squirrels, Moose), MLK inspired music. Website | PDF
Piano Assignment Worksheet: JANUARY
Veganary Awareness Month
Piano Solos, Listening & Music Theory Activities:
-Vegetable Suite by Graham Prowning (For flute and piano), sheet music | video
-Eat My Vegetables by Wynn-Anne Rossi
-Jazz Salad by Ron Levy
-Vegetable Valley (Kirby's Adventure)
-The Rainbow Salad Songbook by Andrea and Trevor Dow
-Hot Potatoe by Jennifer Eklund
-Mixed Vegetables by Tobias Lindh
-Yum, Yum, Yum (The Vegetable Song) by Carol Wiggins
-The Vegetable Orchestra
-Fruit & Veggie Piano
-Music Theory Games: Veg Race | Mushrace | Rhythm Soup | Captain Veg. Tubble | Lettuce Make A Salad
-Rhythm: Funky Veggies Percussion |Musical Fruits - Rhythm Syllables Clap Along 1, 2
Week 1 - (1/1-6) Begin Listening Calendar.
Week 2 - (1/7-13) Practice Bird Awareness solos that you have composed. Are there any changes that you could make to previous compositions based
upon your present level? Are there others birds that you have observed that would inspire you to write another composition?
Interesting videos about Birds
-Why Do Birds Sing?
-How Birds Fly
-Migratory Birds
Week 3 (1/14-20) - Martin Luther King Awareness. Students will be given MLK themed Music Theory Worksheets and sight reading.
More Interesting Info:
-The Extraordinary Musical Influences of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
-Story time: I Am Martin Luther King Jr. - Video: Martin Luther King Jr. for kids
-Martin Luther King, Jr. for Kids ~ Song and Rap
MLK Music Theory Games:
-MLK Rhythm Practice Assignment. Students my clap the rhythms, use sticks, a box, or other creative items that they can use to play along!
-Rhythm Matching Game. Pick the rhythm that matches the words or phrases given. Activity: 1 | 2
*MLK music theory worksheets will be emailed to each student.
-MLK drawing and coloring page
Week 4 (1/21-27)
Squirrel Appreciation:
-Sight-reading pieces at the studio about Squirrels.
-Sheet Music: The Squirrel Rag |
-Squirrel Music Games - Hide and Squirrel | Squirrel Pianos Solfege Game
-Craft For Kids
Week 5 (1/28-31)
Moose Awareness:
-Theory Game: The Musical Moose Is On The Loose, Adventure 1 | 2
-Piano Sheet Music: Moose The Mooche by Charlie Parker | Moose on the Loose by Lisa Frederick
-Book: Moose Music by Sue Porter (Book | Read aloud)
Squirrel Appreciation:
-Sight-reading pieces at the studio about Squirrels.
-Sheet Music: The Squirrel Rag |
-Squirrel Music Games - Hide and Squirrel | Squirrel Pianos Solfege Game
-Craft For Kids
Week 5 (1/28-31)
Moose Awareness:
-Theory Game: The Musical Moose Is On The Loose, Adventure 1 | 2
-Piano Sheet Music: Moose The Mooche by Charlie Parker | Moose on the Loose by Lisa Frederick
-Book: Moose Music by Sue Porter (Book | Read aloud)
Saturday, February 15, 2025

(National Bird Feeding Month! 2/2 World Wetlands Day & National Hedgehog Day, 2/14-17 Great Backyard Bird Count, 2/20 World Whale Day)
-Our Listening Calendar variety: Classical Music Featured in "Listen to the Birds" book.
-Piano Assignment Worksheet: FEBRUARY
Check out "Listen to the Birds" from your local library! Classical music featured in it will be posted daily on our Listening Calendar.
-Informative website with Bird songs interactive!
Students are encouraged to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count event! Watch birds for 15 minutes or more, at least once over the four days of the event. They can do the count in their backyard, or at a local park. Reed Creek is hosting the event at their location this year! See: Create a composition about a bird that inspired you during the count! Certificates will be given to participating students.
Books you may enjoy:
-Counting Birds: The Idea That Helped Save Our Feathered Friends by Heidi E.Y. Stemple. *Read aloud here.
-Bird Count by Susan Edwards Richmond. *Read aloud here.
-Ruby's Birds by Mya Thompson. *Read aloud here.
-On Bird Hill | On Duck Pond | On Gull Beach | On Eagle Cove, Books by Jane Yolen. *On Bird Hill read aloud here.
-Bird Watching | Sci Show Compilation
-How To Help A Bird
-Make Your Own Recycled Bird Feeder
Fun Projects:
-How to Draw: A Bird, Cardinal, Toucan, Bald Eagle Head
*Studio Blog Post: Birding and Composing (Students Bird Compositions and participation in the Great Backyard Bird Count.)
-Our Listening Calendar variety: Classical Music Featured in "Listen to the Birds" book.
-Piano Assignment Worksheet: FEBRUARY
Check out "Listen to the Birds" from your local library! Classical music featured in it will be posted daily on our Listening Calendar.
-Informative website with Bird songs interactive!
Students are encouraged to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count event! Watch birds for 15 minutes or more, at least once over the four days of the event. They can do the count in their backyard, or at a local park. Reed Creek is hosting the event at their location this year! See: Create a composition about a bird that inspired you during the count! Certificates will be given to participating students.
Books you may enjoy:
-Counting Birds: The Idea That Helped Save Our Feathered Friends by Heidi E.Y. Stemple. *Read aloud here.
-Bird Count by Susan Edwards Richmond. *Read aloud here.
-Ruby's Birds by Mya Thompson. *Read aloud here.
-On Bird Hill | On Duck Pond | On Gull Beach | On Eagle Cove, Books by Jane Yolen. *On Bird Hill read aloud here.
-Bird Watching | Sci Show Compilation
-How To Help A Bird
-Make Your Own Recycled Bird Feeder
Fun Projects:
-How to Draw: A Bird, Cardinal, Toucan, Bald Eagle Head
*Studio Blog Post: Birding and Composing (Students Bird Compositions and participation in the Great Backyard Bird Count.)
Saturday, March 15, 2025

(3/3 World Wildlife Day, 3/20 World Frog Day & World Sparrow Day, 3/21 International Day of Forests, 3/21 World Water Day, 3/29 World Piano Day) Piano Theory assignments will reflect those topic.
Our Listening Calendar variety: Nature Inspired Compositions.
Piano Assignment Worksheet: MARCH
*Compose a frog themed piano solo for Frog Awareness Day!
♪ Frog Awareness piano solos composed by students.
The Happy Frog by Kaidence Barron
The Frog by River Pruitt Blake
-Music Theory games and worksheets for Frog Awareness.
- Piano Sheet Music: The Frog Prince | Freddie The Frog | Tree Frog Crossing (Duet) | Five Green And Speckled Frogs
-Storytime: Frogs by Gail Gibbons
-Videos students may enjoy: Wild Kratts - Aqua Frog, Georgia Frog Calls, Frog Songs of NC- great info for all areas!
-Learn about musician, Clarence "Frogman" Henry
-Drawing Projects For Frog Day! How to Draw a Frog, Cartoon Frog
-Fun music theory game: Hop To It! | Freddie The Frog Online Note Matching Game
Our Listening Calendar variety: Nature Inspired Compositions.
Piano Assignment Worksheet: MARCH
*Compose a frog themed piano solo for Frog Awareness Day!
♪ Frog Awareness piano solos composed by students.
The Happy Frog by Kaidence Barron
The Frog by River Pruitt Blake
-Music Theory games and worksheets for Frog Awareness.
- Piano Sheet Music: The Frog Prince | Freddie The Frog | Tree Frog Crossing (Duet) | Five Green And Speckled Frogs
-Storytime: Frogs by Gail Gibbons
-Videos students may enjoy: Wild Kratts - Aqua Frog, Georgia Frog Calls, Frog Songs of NC- great info for all areas!
-Learn about musician, Clarence "Frogman" Henry
-Drawing Projects For Frog Day! How to Draw a Frog, Cartoon Frog
-Fun music theory game: Hop To It! | Freddie The Frog Online Note Matching Game
3/21 International Day of Forests
Forest Classical Music and Healing Piano Songs
Forests in Classical Music
Forest Classical Music and Healing Piano Songs
Forests in Classical Music
3/28 Piano history and worksheets for World Piano Day
-Storytime: The Music of Life: Bartolomeo Cristofori and the Invention of the Piano | The Bear and The Piano
-Piano History, From the Clavichord to the Modern Piano: Part 1 | Part 2
-Crafts you many enjoy for "World Piano Day"
3D Wooden Piano Puzzle Kit
3D Perler Piano (Photo group above, first photo on right.)
*See our "Piano History and Caring For Your Piano" Photo Gallery.
-Storytime: The Music of Life: Bartolomeo Cristofori and the Invention of the Piano | The Bear and The Piano
-Piano History, From the Clavichord to the Modern Piano: Part 1 | Part 2
-Crafts you many enjoy for "World Piano Day"
3D Wooden Piano Puzzle Kit
3D Perler Piano (Photo group above, first photo on right.)
*See our "Piano History and Caring For Your Piano" Photo Gallery.
Saturday, April 19, 2025
(Piano Theory and Composition themes: (National Frog Month, 4/2 National Ferret Day, 4/4 World Rat Day, 4/7 International Beaver Day, 4/15 American Sign Language Day, 4/22 Earth Day Awareness, 4/26 National Arbor Day).
*Closed April 7-13, 2025 (Spring Break/Masters Event)
Assignment: Compose a piano solo about one of the awareness themes for this month.
Our Listening Calendar variety: Website
Piano Practice Worksheet: APRIL
Week 1
Environmental websites and activities
Ferret Awareness
Piano Sheet Music: Funny Ferret
Beaver Awareness
Piano Solos: Busy Beavers by Ann C. Gaudet | Beaver Boogie by Stephen Chatman
-Videos: 1) Leave It To Beavers -PBS | 2) Keytone Species - The Beaver | 3) All About Beavers for Children
-Beaver Habitat Interactive
Week 2
-April 15th is National American Sign Language Day. We will have note naming flash cards and a note recognition concentration game. Students will identify the note names for each activity using sign language alphabets.
Piano Sheet Music - If You're Thankful And You Know It
*April 20, Canal Discovery,10:00 AM 4:00 PM
*April 20 - 21, Colonial Times: Under The Crown (Suzuki Piano practice - "Long, Long Ago")
*April 20 - 26, Earth Day Week at Reed Creek Park
*April 23, School House Rock concert at the Miller Theater,7:00 PM
*April 27, Earth Day at Phinizy Swamp,10AM-3PM
Week 3
Earth Day Activities
-Recycle Piano theory Puzzle (At the studio.)
-Earth Day piano theory worksheets (At the Studio.)
-Coloring Page
-Storytime: Earth Day Every Day by Lisa Bullard and Xiao Xin
Week 4
-National Arbor Day on April 26. We will do "Tree Awareness" piano theory activities! on April 26th, !0 AM - 11:30 AM, Reed Creek will have an Arbor day awareness activity. Their environmental educators will teach how to read tree rings by examining tree cookies. Those attending will then test their new knowledge with trees at the park.
*Closed April 7-13, 2025 (Spring Break/Masters Event)
Assignment: Compose a piano solo about one of the awareness themes for this month.
Our Listening Calendar variety: Website
Piano Practice Worksheet: APRIL
Week 1
Environmental websites and activities
Ferret Awareness
Piano Sheet Music: Funny Ferret
Beaver Awareness
Piano Solos: Busy Beavers by Ann C. Gaudet | Beaver Boogie by Stephen Chatman
-Videos: 1) Leave It To Beavers -PBS | 2) Keytone Species - The Beaver | 3) All About Beavers for Children
-Beaver Habitat Interactive
Week 2
-April 15th is National American Sign Language Day. We will have note naming flash cards and a note recognition concentration game. Students will identify the note names for each activity using sign language alphabets.
Piano Sheet Music - If You're Thankful And You Know It
*April 20, Canal Discovery,10:00 AM 4:00 PM
*April 20 - 21, Colonial Times: Under The Crown (Suzuki Piano practice - "Long, Long Ago")
*April 20 - 26, Earth Day Week at Reed Creek Park
*April 23, School House Rock concert at the Miller Theater,7:00 PM
*April 27, Earth Day at Phinizy Swamp,10AM-3PM
Week 3
Earth Day Activities
-Recycle Piano theory Puzzle (At the studio.)
-Earth Day piano theory worksheets (At the Studio.)
-Coloring Page
-Storytime: Earth Day Every Day by Lisa Bullard and Xiao Xin
Week 4
-National Arbor Day on April 26. We will do "Tree Awareness" piano theory activities! on April 26th, !0 AM - 11:30 AM, Reed Creek will have an Arbor day awareness activity. Their environmental educators will teach how to read tree rings by examining tree cookies. Those attending will then test their new knowledge with trees at the park.
Saturday, May 18, 2025
(Piano Theory and Composition themes: 5/3 Wild Koala Day, 5/4 MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU!, 5/4 National Monarch Day, 5/9-18 Biggest Week in American Birding, 5/13 World Migratory Bird Day & Global Big Day, 5/23 World Turtle and Tortoise Day, 5/24 Plant a Letterbox Day, 5/29 National Alligator Day, 5/31 World Otter Day).
Assignment: Compose a piano solo about one of the following 1) Planets, 2) Monarchs, 3) Koalas, 4) Turtles/Tortoise
Listening Calendar: Nature solos, compositions by John Williams, Planets by Gustav Holst. Website | PDF
Piano Practice Worksheet: MAY
Assignment: Compose a piano solo about one of the following 1) Planets, 2) Monarchs, 3) Koalas, 4) Turtles/Tortoise
Listening Calendar: Nature solos, compositions by John Williams, Planets by Gustav Holst. Website | PDF
Piano Practice Worksheet: MAY

*2025 National Guild Piano Audition
-May 9-18, 2025 "Biggest Week in American Birding" | Cornell Lab
Backyard Bird Calendar Watercolor.
-May - Family Earth & Sky Night and Astronomy Day, 6:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
-Video for National Monarch Awareness (May 6th), Watch a Breathtaking Monarch Butterfly Swarm.
Alligator Awareness: The Alligator by Veronika Krausas
2025 School Summer Vacation.
*2025 National Guild Piano Audition
-May 9-18, 2025 "Biggest Week in American Birding" | Cornell Lab
Backyard Bird Calendar Watercolor.
-May - Family Earth & Sky Night and Astronomy Day, 6:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
-Video for National Monarch Awareness (May 6th), Watch a Breathtaking Monarch Butterfly Swarm.
Alligator Awareness: The Alligator by Veronika Krausas
2025 School Summer Vacation.
No Performance Classes June - July.
-Evenings in Appleby Garden 2025 Concert Series
-National Pollinator Week, June 23-29, 2025
Pollinator-Works website for kids!
-National Moth Week, July 19-27, 2025. Phinizy Swamp hosts a Community Science Moth Survey in our area. Date TBA. They set up at 8 pm and continue to monitor at least 1 site, possibly 2 sites until 1 am. They usually like to take the group on a night hike and may even have coloring pages or crafts for children that attend. For more info, visit here.
(Registration for the 2025-26 studio year begins in July.)
-National Pollinator Week, June 23-29, 2025
Pollinator-Works website for kids!
-National Moth Week, July 19-27, 2025. Phinizy Swamp hosts a Community Science Moth Survey in our area. Date TBA. They set up at 8 pm and continue to monitor at least 1 site, possibly 2 sites until 1 am. They usually like to take the group on a night hike and may even have coloring pages or crafts for children that attend. For more info, visit here.
(Registration for the 2025-26 studio year begins in July.)
Saturday, August 24, 2025
(Piano Theory and Composition themes: 8/10 World Lion Day, 8/12 World Elephants Day, The Great Southeast Pollinator Census, 8/17 National Honey Bee Awareness Day, 8/19 World Orangutan Day, National Dog Day 8/26)

Our Listening Calendar variety: Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel. Elephant and Pollinator themed solos. Website | PDF
**Piano Performance Class, August 24th @ 10:00 AM at my piano studio. Following the performance class, participate in the The Great Pollinator Census at Reed Creek Nature Park, hosted by the University of Georgia.
Composition Assignment: Compose a piano solo about elephants, orangutans, or your favorite pollinator!
♪ Elephant Awareness piano solos composed by students.
The Happy Elephant by River Pruitt. Cover page | Solo
♪ Bee/Pollinator Awareness piano solos composed by students.
-Karis's Bee Theme by K. Mayes
-Honeybee by C. Cathey
-The Honeybee Festival by J. Mayes
-The Happy Honeybee by W. Oganga
Week 1: Composer of the month: Fanny Mendelssohn. Book | Video | Worksheet
Week 2: Elephant Awareness
Music Theory Assignments - Color By Note, Elephant | Elephant Flash Cards | Elephant Face Note Recognition Power Point Game
The Treble Clef Zoo | Carnival of the Animals "The Elephant" Play Along |
Fun Craft! Elephant Mosaic
Elephant inspired piano sheet Music
-One Elephant | Free Sheet Music - Guitar/Piano Lead Sheet -The Elephants Trunk by W.T. Skye Garcia
-The Elephant (Saint-Saëns), Easy Piano | Ensemble (piano/double bass -The Elephant and the Flea, video. Piano book at studio.
- Monte sur un elephant (French Canadian Folk song) -The Wee Little Scare
**Piano Performance Class, August 24th @ 10:00 AM at my piano studio. Following the performance class, participate in the The Great Pollinator Census at Reed Creek Nature Park, hosted by the University of Georgia.
Composition Assignment: Compose a piano solo about elephants, orangutans, or your favorite pollinator!
♪ Elephant Awareness piano solos composed by students.
The Happy Elephant by River Pruitt. Cover page | Solo
♪ Bee/Pollinator Awareness piano solos composed by students.
-Karis's Bee Theme by K. Mayes
-Honeybee by C. Cathey
-The Honeybee Festival by J. Mayes
-The Happy Honeybee by W. Oganga
Week 1: Composer of the month: Fanny Mendelssohn. Book | Video | Worksheet
Week 2: Elephant Awareness
Music Theory Assignments - Color By Note, Elephant | Elephant Flash Cards | Elephant Face Note Recognition Power Point Game
The Treble Clef Zoo | Carnival of the Animals "The Elephant" Play Along |
Fun Craft! Elephant Mosaic
Elephant inspired piano sheet Music
-One Elephant | Free Sheet Music - Guitar/Piano Lead Sheet -The Elephants Trunk by W.T. Skye Garcia
-The Elephant (Saint-Saëns), Easy Piano | Ensemble (piano/double bass -The Elephant and the Flea, video. Piano book at studio.
- Monte sur un elephant (French Canadian Folk song) -The Wee Little Scare

Week 3-4: Pollinator Awareness. Great Southeast Pollinator Census. August 23rd - 24th, 2024.
Insect counting identification booklet, power point, and counting sheet can be found here.
Reed Creek Nature Park
August 23-24, 2024. 10am - 5pm
3820 Park Ln, Martinez, GA 30907
706 - 312-7358
Many thanks to the CSRA Master Gardeners and Georgia Native Plant Society for the beautiful garden!
Phinizy Swamp Nature Park
August, 24, 2024. Time: 9am - 11am
1858 Lock and Dam Road
More info -
Insect counting identification booklet, power point, and counting sheet can be found here.
Reed Creek Nature Park
August 23-24, 2024. 10am - 5pm
3820 Park Ln, Martinez, GA 30907
706 - 312-7358
Many thanks to the CSRA Master Gardeners and Georgia Native Plant Society for the beautiful garden!
Phinizy Swamp Nature Park
August, 24, 2024. Time: 9am - 11am
1858 Lock and Dam Road
More info -

*Drawing Projects you may enjoy: Draw a Bee, Draw a Butterfly
Theme Song: Honeybee (Suzuki Bk 1), Assignment. Letterbox clues given upon completion of the assignment. Book 2 students may work on transposing the piece.
-Theory: Music Theory Bee Book | Music Bee Spelling Bee Pg 1-Treble, Pg 2-Bass
Dog Awareness Theory:
-Educational videos about Pollinators
How Do Pollinators Help Plants Grow? ( SciShow Kids Compilation)
Pollinators For Kids | Educational Show For Kids
STORY TIME and art project. The Honeybee and The Robber by Eric Carl. (VIDEO)
The Bee Tree by Patricia Polacco. (VIDEO)
*Bring out your "Movie Time" goodie baskets and enjoy watching the “Bee Movie”, “Flight of the Butterflies”, or "Disney Nature: Wings Of Life". *Drawing Projects you may enjoy: Draw a Bee, Draw a Butterfly
Theme Song: Honeybee (Suzuki Bk 1), Assignment. Letterbox clues given upon completion of the assignment. Book 2 students may work on transposing the piece.
-Theory: Music Theory Bee Book | Music Bee Spelling Bee Pg 1-Treble, Pg 2-Bass
Dog Awareness Theory:
-Educational videos about Pollinators
How Do Pollinators Help Plants Grow? ( SciShow Kids Compilation)
Pollinators For Kids | Educational Show For Kids
STORY TIME and art project. The Honeybee and The Robber by Eric Carl. (VIDEO)
The Bee Tree by Patricia Polacco. (VIDEO)
*Bring out your "Movie Time" goodie baskets and enjoy watching the “Bee Movie”, “Flight of the Butterflies”, or "Disney Nature: Wings Of Life". *Drawing Projects you may enjoy: Draw a Bee, Draw a Butterfly
Saturday, September 21, 2025
(Piano Theory and Composition themes: 9/2 National Hummingbird Day. 9/4 National Wildlife Day, 9/7 International Vulture Awareness Day, 9/8 National Iguana Awareness, 9/12-22 Migration Celebration, 9/17 National Fox Day, 9/22 National Elephant Appreciation Day & World Rhino Day.)
Piano Assignment Worksheet: September
Listening Calendar: Various wildlife themed solos.
Assignment: Compose a piano solo about one of the awareness themes for this month.
-Fun event in our community that families may enjoy (Date TBA): Arts In The Heart Of Augusta
-Check out the Master Herpetologist program and Junior Master Herpetologist program. These are 8 week virtual classes. They are also certification programs. For more info, visit here.
*PERFORMANCE & THEORY CLASS CLASS, SEPT 21 @ 1:00 PM. (Barnes Piano Studio)
*August Symphony: Sounds of the Sea | Friday, September 27 @ 7:30 PM
Iguana Awareness piano solos. (Student composition!)
-The Iguana's Tongue by K. Green: Front Cover, Piano Solo
Piano Assignment Worksheet: September
Listening Calendar: Various wildlife themed solos.
Assignment: Compose a piano solo about one of the awareness themes for this month.
-Fun event in our community that families may enjoy (Date TBA): Arts In The Heart Of Augusta
-Check out the Master Herpetologist program and Junior Master Herpetologist program. These are 8 week virtual classes. They are also certification programs. For more info, visit here.
*PERFORMANCE & THEORY CLASS CLASS, SEPT 21 @ 1:00 PM. (Barnes Piano Studio)
*August Symphony: Sounds of the Sea | Friday, September 27 @ 7:30 PM
Iguana Awareness piano solos. (Student composition!)
-The Iguana's Tongue by K. Green: Front Cover, Piano Solo
Sunday, October 19, 2025
Piano Theory and Composition themes, Pick one: (Animal Protection and Safety Month, International Dinosaur Month, Bat Appreciation Month, Vegetarian Awareness Month,10/11 National Fossil Day, 10/12 National Farmers Day,10/13-15 Global Bird Weekend, 10/8-14 Earth Science Week, 10/20 International Sloth Day, 10/21 Reptile Awareness Day.)
Assignment: Compose a piano solo about one of the composition themes or level up on a previously written composition on the topic.
Assignment Worksheet - OCTOBER
Listening Calendar variety: Bird, reptile, and bat themed compositions. Website
- Seed Stem Festival, Aiken, SC., (Date TBA)
*Colonial Times: A Day To Remember @ The Living History Park. Theme Song: LONG, LONG AGO (Suzuki Bk.1). Check out the fun that we had at this wonderful event! Photo gallery
Assignment: Compose a piano solo about one of the composition themes or level up on a previously written composition on the topic.
Assignment Worksheet - OCTOBER
Listening Calendar variety: Bird, reptile, and bat themed compositions. Website
- Seed Stem Festival, Aiken, SC., (Date TBA)
*Colonial Times: A Day To Remember @ The Living History Park. Theme Song: LONG, LONG AGO (Suzuki Bk.1). Check out the fun that we had at this wonderful event! Photo gallery

During a Reed Creek Nature Park field trip.
Awareness Piano Solos & More:
Dinosaur Awareness
-Dinosaurs by Mary Leaf
-The Days of the Dinosaurs
-Dinosaur Journey by Melody Bober
-Dinosaur Music Theory Games
Reptile Awareness (Piano solos composed by students):
-The Lizard and the Snake by M. Roberts
-The Little Lizard by E. Roberts
-Snake Waltz by W. Oganga: Front Cover, Piano Solo
-The Chameleon Shuffle by C. Cathey: Front Cover, Piano Solo
-The Iguana's Tongue by K. Green: Front Cover, Piano Solo
Bat Awareness
Junior Ranger Activity Book - All About Bats
Sir David Attenborough Witnesses a Magical Moment
Stellaluna by Janelle Cannon (Read Aloud)
-Music Theory Game: BAT-TERNS | Bats & Cats Rhythm Game -Theory Worksheets 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Vegetarian Awareness
-Vegetable Suite by Graham Prowning (For flute and piano), sheet music | video
-Eat My Vegetables by Wynn-Anne Rossi
-Jazz Salad by Ron Levy|
-Yum, Yum, Yum (The Vegetable Song) by Carol Wiggins
-The Vegetable Orchestra
-Fruit & Veggie Piano
-Music Theory Games: Veg Race | Mushrace | Rhythm Soup | Captain Veg. Tubble | Lettuce Make A Salad
Dinosaur Awareness
-Dinosaurs by Mary Leaf
-The Days of the Dinosaurs
-Dinosaur Journey by Melody Bober
-Dinosaur Music Theory Games
Reptile Awareness (Piano solos composed by students):
-The Lizard and the Snake by M. Roberts
-The Little Lizard by E. Roberts
-Snake Waltz by W. Oganga: Front Cover, Piano Solo
-The Chameleon Shuffle by C. Cathey: Front Cover, Piano Solo
-The Iguana's Tongue by K. Green: Front Cover, Piano Solo
Bat Awareness
Junior Ranger Activity Book - All About Bats
Sir David Attenborough Witnesses a Magical Moment
Stellaluna by Janelle Cannon (Read Aloud)
-Music Theory Game: BAT-TERNS | Bats & Cats Rhythm Game -Theory Worksheets 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Vegetarian Awareness
-Vegetable Suite by Graham Prowning (For flute and piano), sheet music | video
-Eat My Vegetables by Wynn-Anne Rossi
-Jazz Salad by Ron Levy|
-Yum, Yum, Yum (The Vegetable Song) by Carol Wiggins
-The Vegetable Orchestra
-Fruit & Veggie Piano
-Music Theory Games: Veg Race | Mushrace | Rhythm Soup | Captain Veg. Tubble | Lettuce Make A Salad
Saturday, November 16, 2025

Piano Theory & Composition themes: (World Vegan Awareness Month,11/6 National Bison Awareness Day. Beginning 11/1/23 - 4/30/23, students that enjoy bird watching may like participating in Project Feeder Watch. 11/15 America Recycles Day, 11/17 National Hiking Day.)
*Studio Closed Nov 24-30. 11/29 International Jaguar Awareness Day)
Listening Calendar: Website
Piano Assignment Worksheet: NOVEMBER
*PERFORMANCE CLASS, November 16th @ 1:00 PM. (Studio)
Awareness Piano Solos:
Vegan Awareness
-Vegetable Suite by Graham Prowning (For flute and piano), sheet music | video
-Eat My Vegetables by Wynn-Anne Rossi
-Jazz Salad by Ron Levy
-The Rainbow Salad Songbook by Andrea and Trevor Dow
-Hot Potatoe by Jennifer Eklund
-Yum, Yum, Yum (The Vegetable Song) by Carol Wiggins
-The Vegetable Orchestra
-Fruit & Veggie Piano
-Music Theory Games: Veg Race | Mushrace | Rhythm Soup | Captain Veg. Tubble | Lettuce Make A Salad
Bison Awareness Day
-Bison Are Back by Wendy Stevens
American Recycling Day
-Recycling by Lisa Bastien
-Recycled Rag and Litter-bin Blues by Pam Wedgwood
-Pollution Solution by John Schaum
National Hiking Day
-Hike and Another Hike by Volker Bertelmann | video
-Hiking Song by Robert D. Vandall (1 piano 4 hands)
-Hiking Buddies by Dennis Alexander
-Hike To The Pike by Ed B. Claypool
-Music Theory Games: Harmonic Hike | Park Walk
Jaguar Awareness
-Jaguar Strut by Ronald Bennett
*Studio Closed Nov 24-30. 11/29 International Jaguar Awareness Day)
Listening Calendar: Website
Piano Assignment Worksheet: NOVEMBER
*PERFORMANCE CLASS, November 16th @ 1:00 PM. (Studio)
Awareness Piano Solos:
Vegan Awareness
-Vegetable Suite by Graham Prowning (For flute and piano), sheet music | video
-Eat My Vegetables by Wynn-Anne Rossi
-Jazz Salad by Ron Levy
-The Rainbow Salad Songbook by Andrea and Trevor Dow
-Hot Potatoe by Jennifer Eklund
-Yum, Yum, Yum (The Vegetable Song) by Carol Wiggins
-The Vegetable Orchestra
-Fruit & Veggie Piano
-Music Theory Games: Veg Race | Mushrace | Rhythm Soup | Captain Veg. Tubble | Lettuce Make A Salad
Bison Awareness Day
-Bison Are Back by Wendy Stevens
American Recycling Day
-Recycling by Lisa Bastien
-Recycled Rag and Litter-bin Blues by Pam Wedgwood
-Pollution Solution by John Schaum
National Hiking Day
-Hike and Another Hike by Volker Bertelmann | video
-Hiking Song by Robert D. Vandall (1 piano 4 hands)
-Hiking Buddies by Dennis Alexander
-Hike To The Pike by Ed B. Claypool
-Music Theory Games: Harmonic Hike | Park Walk
Jaguar Awareness
-Jaguar Strut by Ronald Bennett
Sunday, December 21, 2025
Piano Assignment Worksheet: DECEMBER
Winter themed Classical and Contemporary solos - Listening Calendar: Website
12/11/24 International Mountain Day
Upcoming winter bird counting events hosted by organizations such as The National Audubon and Cornell Ornithology Institute:
-The Audubon Bird Count
-Climate Watch
-The Great Backyard Bird Count
-The North Carolina Bird Atlas: Anytime! The atlas is the newest community science project and unique because you can do it while also participating in all of the other events.
*Studio Closed during School Winter Break.
Winter themed Classical and Contemporary solos - Listening Calendar: Website
12/11/24 International Mountain Day
Upcoming winter bird counting events hosted by organizations such as The National Audubon and Cornell Ornithology Institute:
-The Audubon Bird Count
-Climate Watch
-The Great Backyard Bird Count
-The North Carolina Bird Atlas: Anytime! The atlas is the newest community science project and unique because you can do it while also participating in all of the other events.
*Studio Closed during School Winter Break.